Sunday, September 30, 2012

A lot can happen in a year

While lying in bed last night trying to sleep I got to thinking about the last year and how much had happened and in a way it seemed so unreal or maybe unbelievable who knows.

This time a year ago I was putting my marriage back together after a 7mth split we had been back together for 6mths and all was going well and we had managed to find each other again and reconnect after not connecting for many years.

I was training with a wonderful trainer who I also consider a good friend. JV was there for me at the two lowest times in my life and she helped me through those times with love, support and hard work with training. It seemed like JV knew just what I needed even without me having to say anything and even now if I am down out of the blue she will txt me and make everything seem so much better and I will never forget what she has done for me.

So this time last year I was dreading it being my last month with JV as she was going to become a mummy for the first time and I was so happy for her and her husband but at the same time I was so scared because I didn't know what I was going to do now I didn't think I could do this on my own which has something to do with my low confidence and self esteem.

It was at this time at the end of October a new Gym was about to open close to home and quite cheap but I didn't really want to join another gym but after talking to JV I decided to do it and it ended up being the best thing I did.

A few days later I sent off an email to find out information and the next day I got a call from DF and I didn't realise at the time that this guy was going to change my life in so many ways and I will never be able to thank him enough.

So 28th Oct I go in and have a look around at this new gym and its pretty cool but I am so nervous and that is when this young trainer comes up to me and starts chatting and he is so friendly and I start to relax and that was the beginning of another friendship with JA and to this day he is still my trainer and he still knows how to hurt me in new places all the time.

So over the next month I start training and really enjoy my new gym and my new friends and it all happened so fast. Then one day its really busy and I say to DF you should hire me and he said he wished he could but I had to be qualified so silly me said how do I do that?? and that is when he told me about NZIHF so I went home and googled it.

Next thing I know I am going off for an interview and being accepted onto the course which will start in March 2012 oh wow what was I thinking went through me head so much while I waited for it to start.

I have floated along for so long I never really knew what I wanted to do and I haven't had too many jobs because I chose to be a stay at home mum so this was all new to me but very exciting. So after many years something finally felt right except there was some negativity because some people would say but who would want a fat trainer but I never let it get to me I knew what I wanted to do.

March 19th came around and it was time to start the course oh man my nerves were seriously shot by this time but I was also really excited about it all. Then two weeks in I crumbled and my head went blank in class and I burst into tears and had to leave the class but instead of running away I composed myself and went back in and finished what had to be done. I went home that night and emailed the boss and said I want to change to the part time course because it was too much and then I slept on it and emailed him the next day and said no I will continue and that is what I did and I passed and was so proud of myself for sticking with it and not running away like I have done in the past.

So it's thanks to DF for helping me get to where I am now and JA and JT for all there support also over the last year.

It's because of these great people that I am where I am now for the first time in years I am happy with every aspect of my life and I am looking forward to what the future holds for me :)

Welcome to my Blog

Over the years on and off I have done a number of blogs and always used the same one and just updated it  so now I have decided its time for a fresh start and to start a new one for this new stage of my life.

I have dieted on and off since I was a teenager up and done constantly. My lowest weight was 45kgs and my highest 143kgs and I have tried every quick fix and Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers you name it I have done it. Well I am ready for change and no longer want to diet I want to change my lifestyle and it's about time too :)

I have also suffered from Depression over the years and have worked really hard to get off and stay off medication and I use exercise as my medication. I had a wonder Trainer that helped me see that medication wasn't for me and it was the best decision I have ever made :)

Over the last 7yrs I have worked with a few Personal Trainers over that time and 2 of them have been amazing and have helped me so much with mind and body and seeing how they were inspired me to take the plunge and become a Personal Trainer myself.

I love helping people, I love Training so I can now put them both together and do what I love from home. I want to show people that anything is possible and you don't have to spend lots of money or go to expensive gyms you can do so many things from home.

I have recently found the MyFitnessPal app on my phone and out of everything I have done this is the easiest program to use and keep track of my eating and I don't feel any pressure because I don't handle pressure and that's why WW or anything counting it doesn't work for me I get too obsessive over it and with this app I don't.

I have started my training again and workout 6 days a week to get my fitness back after 5wks off with an injury and I am really enjoying it again.

I have been on this weightloss roller coaster for so long and I need to get off.

I will be using this Blog as a record and hopefully be able to inspire others to show that anything is possible if you really want it and I hope I can show you the way :)

CW: 127.4kgs
SW: 128.9kgs
GW: 84kgs

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