Sunday, September 30, 2012

Welcome to my Blog

Over the years on and off I have done a number of blogs and always used the same one and just updated it  so now I have decided its time for a fresh start and to start a new one for this new stage of my life.

I have dieted on and off since I was a teenager up and done constantly. My lowest weight was 45kgs and my highest 143kgs and I have tried every quick fix and Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers you name it I have done it. Well I am ready for change and no longer want to diet I want to change my lifestyle and it's about time too :)

I have also suffered from Depression over the years and have worked really hard to get off and stay off medication and I use exercise as my medication. I had a wonder Trainer that helped me see that medication wasn't for me and it was the best decision I have ever made :)

Over the last 7yrs I have worked with a few Personal Trainers over that time and 2 of them have been amazing and have helped me so much with mind and body and seeing how they were inspired me to take the plunge and become a Personal Trainer myself.

I love helping people, I love Training so I can now put them both together and do what I love from home. I want to show people that anything is possible and you don't have to spend lots of money or go to expensive gyms you can do so many things from home.

I have recently found the MyFitnessPal app on my phone and out of everything I have done this is the easiest program to use and keep track of my eating and I don't feel any pressure because I don't handle pressure and that's why WW or anything counting it doesn't work for me I get too obsessive over it and with this app I don't.

I have started my training again and workout 6 days a week to get my fitness back after 5wks off with an injury and I am really enjoying it again.

I have been on this weightloss roller coaster for so long and I need to get off.

I will be using this Blog as a record and hopefully be able to inspire others to show that anything is possible if you really want it and I hope I can show you the way :)

CW: 127.4kgs
SW: 128.9kgs
GW: 84kgs

Start Photos

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