Monday, December 17, 2012

Triggers and Holidays

These are 2 things that for me really don't go together because the holidays are a giant trigger for me.

I am feeling a lot of frustration at the moment because the last couple of weeks the scales just keep going up and I am trying to get back on track but it just isn't happening because there are a lot of changes going on and I don't do change very well at all.

MW has been home for a few weeks now which means we have been going out a lot more and been busy which has meant eating on the run.

Also at the moment I am finding food just a pain in the butt and I don't want to eat it I'm bored with it even if we change it up its still the same stuff underneath Maybe it's just the head space I am in at the moment.

I want to get through Christmas and make next year my year but then again there is another big change coming up when JA leaves but thats ok cause I think I have a back up plan in place.

I did get up at 6am yesterday and go for a run with TW. JA has set me up with some things to do over the next 4wks and then when I get back he will test me on it.

I have 2 Christmas things to go to this week. We are going up to Auckland to see The Hobbit in 3d for Tony's work do and then on Friday TW mum is over from Oz so she is taking us out for dinner and then we have Christmas day and that should be the only days that will be an issue for me.

I have in my head what I want to do it is just putting it into action that I am finding the hardest part but I will get there I have to keep pushing through and keep getting back on that horse.

I will get there I just have to keep pushing and I know that others are in the same boat as me and I would say the same thing to them don't give up keep going and you will get there so time to take my own advice :)

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