Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Having a much better day today so things are looking up :)

Had a session with JA today and we had a good talk and he said he feels the same way that I have this week and it's normal so that really helped me to start changing my thinking.

I had a 400g gain at the Gym today so thats no as bad as I thought. It was a good workout but I was knackered so it just shows that its a big mind thing because I wasn't into it so I struggled well I'm gonna have to change that and in a hurry haha.

But today I did reach a milestone and to some it may seem small but to me it's huge :)

This week makes 1 month that I have been at the Gym 3 days a week and I was self motivated the whole time so if I had of not gone this week like I didn't want to I would have had to start it all again so I am so grateful to JA for texting me and saying NO to not going to the gym.

I have always given up when things get hard and I guess thats what I tried to do this week but because I had someone that wouldn't let me do it it means I get to change a habit of a life time I don't want to be that quitter any more so this is the first step to making a change.

Also the fact that I did it myself is also a big deal cause I have never really been self motivated I would go to the gym do 20-30mins and I wouldn't push hard I was just there well this month I have gone in pushed hard and trained for 1hr 10mins so that is why this is a big deal to me.

So what is my plan from here well to relax a little more and not be so hard on myself, I am going to plan meals and try new things, I will print out my food plan and show JA so I am accountable, keep training 3 days a week so over the next month I will be putting these things into action :)

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