Saturday, November 24, 2012

Loss of Focus

I have had a bad week I have lost all motivation so my eating and exercise has suffered :(

I'm not sure where or when it all went wrong cause I was doing so well. Maybe taking that 1 day off the Gym was the beginning cause now its been 3 days off.

TW went away for the week so I was on my own so that may have had something to do with it cause I really don't do change well so hopefully now he is home again I can get back on the horse and start again.

But that seems to be the next problem is the starting again I keep going to but it doesn't happen. I have to get my motivation back or it will end up like it always has in the past with me putting the weight back on and I don't want that.

I get so frustrated with myself because no matter how hard I try the old patterns keep coming back even though I really want them to go away and stay away.

So where too from here I guess I will take a deep breath in and go hard :)

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