Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week 1 Complete

Week 1 complete and I am very happy with the result.

SW: 126.5kgs
CW: 125.1kgs
GW: 85kgs
LTD: 1.4kgs

So what did I change this week I lowered my calories at just eat what I will eat for the rest of my life to maintain my goal weight, I learnt what physical hunger was and only ate when hungry, I ate from a smaller plate, I learnt about emotional eating.

I have stopped obsessing about food and thinking about it constantly and I am much more relaxed about it all.

I went clothes shopping the other day and bought some new clothes and I always get a kick out of fitting into some size 18 clothes it makes me feel really good

I am eating just 3 meals a day at the moment and I am not getting hungry I am seeing it as fuel for my body not a hobby any more haha I am thinking once I get into more exercise next week I may have to add some food in which is fine because I have been eating under my calories because I haven't been getting hungry.

I went out for lunch yesterday and it did worry me a little because it was my first mean out on my plan but it went well I made a good choice and I was the last to finish eating cause I took my time to eat and when I was full I stopped and it is so easy to do now I don't even have to think about it I just do it.

I am still reading and doing things with the other book I have too and learning a lot from them all.

I went for a run everyday last week still not up to where I was before Christmas but I will get there. I am increasing my training next week I will Run Mon and Fri, Resistance Tues and Thurs all with TW and Wed I start back with JA so that is my plan for next week.

So things are looking good and I am excited for learning more things next week :)

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