Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!!! Here's to New Beginnings :)

A new year has come around again and the first week is over I hope this year goes a little slower than last year.

I have had a good couple of weeks even though it started with a hitch and we thought our holiday was going to be cancelled.

On the 20th Dec we headed up to Auckland for a Gold Class screening of The Hobbit for a work function for TW but on the way up there our car over heated so here we are all dressed up and sitting on the side of the road wanting to scream while waiting for the car to cool down. We thought we were going to miss it so considered just going home but we made it even though we didn't really enjoy the night due to the frustration we were feeling.

Then just as we walk out of the theatre my phone rings a call from my Mum to say that MW has had to call the Fire Brigade cause they could smell smoke so here we are stuck in Auckland in a panic worrying about the girls and not sure if the car will get us home.

Thankfully the Firemen couldn't find anything and our car got us home and all was well until the next day anyway.

On the 21st I took the car into Midas to see if they could help us out so we could go on holiday and this is when we got the bad news that we weren't going anywhere because our car wouldn't make it any further than maybe Morrinsville or Cambridge so holiday over :(

But then we had a family dinner out with TW Mum, stepdad and Grandad who told us that we could have his car for the holidays :) so we were all very happy again.

So after all the drama was over it was Christmas Eve and JW was coming home to spend Christmas with us as he had been staying with my Mum and Stepdad but they were both sick so we had to drive over to Tauranga to pick him up but it also meant that they wouldn't be coming to ours for Christmas this year. It was our first Christmas at home with just us in years.

Christmas Day, we got up opened presents had some very happy kids especially JW. we had pancakes for breakfast, roast pork and roast lamb and all the trimmings for lunch and leftovers for dinner.

We spent Boxing Day at home and then on the Thurs we went up to Auckland for the day and spent it at Rainbows Ends it was such a cool day I conquered some fears not many but some but it also got me thinking of what I was missing out on because I couldn't do a lot of things because of my weight. It may have been in my head or reality but MW wanted me to go on the Go Karts but I wouldn't because I didn't think I could fit in the seat or the seat belt wouldn't fit around me so I didn't even attempt it because that would be embarrassing.

I picked a few things I could do and just kept doing them I still had a fun time and lots of walking my poor feet at the end of it haha.

We finished the day off at Dennys my favourite restaurant in Auckland and I have the same thing everytime. Oreo Shake, Apricot Chicken with vegies and potato and Hot fudge cake oh that is so wickedly divine haha thankfully there is no Dennys in Hamilton or that could be dangerous haha.

We then stayed home until New Years day staying up New Years Eve watching the Titanic and then heading to bed just after 12am.

On New Years day we headed to Tauranga and in the afternoon headed straight to the beach and a swim and sunbathe it was wonderful.

On the 2nd Jan TW and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary so we headed to the beach for a picnic with the kids and my Stepdad and they had bands playing which made it even better so we got to watch and meet Titanium which was really cool especially for JW who loves them. It was a long day and we left the beach at 7pm came home showered and then TW took me out for a lovely dinner so it was an awesome day :)

Thurs we went to Baywave and had a swim the weather wasn't the best so indoors was the best idea and Fri back to the beach for a swim and sunbathe it was another beautiful day.

Sat its time to go home so we are about to pack up the car and head home agin. It has been a great week but all good things must come to an end.

So where to from here TW is back to work on Monday so back to reality back into early morning workouts and back to tracking my food and watching what I eat because next summer I want to go to the beach and feel like I should be there instead of feeling like I shouldn't be allowed near the beach with the way I look. I know it is mostly all in my head but I felt so out of place wearing a swimsuit in a public place at my size but I wasn't going to miss out so I sucked it up.

So my goal for this year is to take it one day at a time and to get to a goal that I will set for myself for next summer and I will not put the normal pressure on myself that I always do. This is a lifestyle change and this year I will get it right and make the changes I need. I will change my thinking and start thinking like a slim person :)

Happy New Year Everyone lets have a good one :)

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