Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 2 Completed

Another week over and it went well for most of it.

SW: 126.5kgs
CW: 124.5kgs
GW: 85kgs
LTD: 2kgs

I did have a bit of an up and down week but for the most part it was good. There were a couple of days that I ate over my calories but never by too many and still under what my weight loss calories would be cause I eat about 280 calories less. This is the difference between  my weight loss calories and my slim person calories.

I have been trying to do more exercise just a little bit extra so I went for 3 morning walks and 7 night walks so I didn't get into the resistance training I wanted to but I will be doing that this week.

I am finding it easier to eat less and eating slower is just coming naturally now. I am learning this week when to stop eating when satisfied instead of over eating.

I am not craving takeaways like I would normally. I did have Mcdonalds today for the first time in 2wks and I had a small meal and I put it into my calories for the day. Normally well in the past anyway I would have it and want more and more but I didn't feel like that I was satisfied with what I had and don't feel that I want to eat it again.

This is a big thing for me considering a few years ago I used to binge on that stuff and the thought of doing that now makes me feel sick so I am pleased for the changes.

I am still filling out my workbook on a daily basis I have photocopied the whole book and put it in a folder so I can write on it and not ruin the book. I am still reading my other book too and getting a lot out of it too.

I also took my measurements today and they have gone down too in a week just by a little bit and I know we have to allow for measuring in different places but it doesn't matter it is just another guide like the scales.

I am so pleased I found these books and so grateful to VS for telling me about the Fat Chance book. I have stopped obsessing about about food like I used to in  the past and counting calories isn't an issue like in the past. Everything is different this time and I am making changes with everything I do rather than just changing my food.

Earlier in the week sleep was an issue or I should say lack of sleep but that seems to be changes. I have been reading a book for about 10-15 mins before a go to sleep and at first it was an information book but I found that to get my mind working so now it is my erotic novels haha and I go to sleep so much easier.

I am looking forward to another great week :)

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