Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Challenging Times

It's only Tuesday and I already feel like I have run a couple of marathons this week haha

Firstly I got a visit from my old mate T.O.M and well we have known each other for 27yrs I still don't appreciate his visits and especially not this one. I know this isn't a talked about subject but I don't see why not it's a fact of life.

Normally I don't mind it and up until I stopped taking my meds a couple of years ago we didn't have a problem but once I stopped all meds I was noticing every month around this time I was getting really bad pains so I'm guessing my meds covered the pain so now every month I have to take drugs for it.

But it seems once or twice a year those pains are horrendous and the drugs don't work so it seems this month was that time and at 2am Monday morning I was woken up to extreme pain so I took my drugs and 30mins later it was getting worse so I took some other drugs and by 3.15am I was close to tears so I got up and had a shower but still no relief so by 4am it was heat pack and by time 4.30am came around it was finally going away and I could go back to sleep.

Only to be woken up at 6.30am so I guess you can probably tell that me and lack of sleep don't go together very well at all. I was hoping to get back into my exercise after 3 days off but it didn't happen and my eating it wasn't as good as it could have been either but it could have been worse.

I went to physio on Monday too and got my elbow sorted to find out what was causing the pain and it seems it was a tight tricep that was causing the problem so getting that and my achilles worked on was good and seeing my physio again after her being away for 5wks was good too.

So today I went to my class this morning and it started off good and I worked my butt off lots of running and full on stuff but then it took a turn for the worse and I held the pads up got kicked really hard and now my elbow is worse than it was and I am in a lot of pain and to be honest I am getting really frustrated at being broken all the time. Even typing this is hurting but it's important to me to get this down.

I spent most of today in Day Surgery with my best friend and I was there in the theatre when she went to sleep it meant a lot to me to be with her and I was there when she woke up I like helping people and when it's something like this and I am in a caring roll for that person it really makes me feel good like I am doing something right for once.

I dropped her off tonight and got her settled into bed but I still worry about her so will be checking up regularly she did txt me tonight to say Thanks again and to say she was good so I'm pleased.

I knew I was going to be there all day so I prepared my lunch before I went so I am really proud of myself for doing that and I have stayed under my calories so I am happy today and looking froward to the rest of the week going well too.

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