Monday, October 15, 2012


They are certainly crazy things to have to deal with on a daily basis sometimes good and sometimes bad and sometimes in between.

Take yesterday for example I had a great morning felt great after my workout and then went to Physio and still felt good a little sore but good. On the way home the car started playing up so that didn't help and then it came right.

I then went to visit a friend and we had a good catch and a laugh so I was feeling good.

I left there and turned up at home and found that I couldn't use my driveway because it had been dug up and we weren't told about it so I was pretty pissed by now.

Then I rang the Hospital to try and get someone to look at my son's ears he had surgery for bat ears in Feb this year and one of his ears just isn't right so I rang them and they said sorry you have been discharged and you have to see you GP and start again. Not feeling that great right about now.

Read something on Facebook that upset me cause it brought some bad memories back of something that happened a few years ago.

It was after all this that I rang another friend and that was it I was a goner the tears just flowed and flowed and the funny thing was I didn't actually know why I was crying.

I am so used to all those things happening so why did I fall apart after feeling so good for half the day maybe it was tiredness or maybe it was frustration who knows but I would have to be the most emotional person out there and I still don't understand them :)

Today is looking better other than being in pain from my training yesterday which is a good thing so I am chilling out today and reading my books :)

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