Monday, October 1, 2012

Making Changes

Sometimes making changes is a good thing and sometimes it can be just the little things that make a big difference to how you feel and what you do.

I don't like change and it effects me sometimes in a big way and sends me into a tail spin and I feel lost and out of my comfort zone but I have realised that change is good and you should embrace it not be afraid of it.

Just recently I had a big upheaval well it was big for me. When DF left the gym I was scared, confused and didn't know what to do because he had helped me so much so how was I going to get on without him and I had a major freak out instead of seeing it as a good thing.

Everything was changing DF was gone and JA had changed gyms so where did it leave me?? well JA wanted me to follow him to the other branch and that was scary but I did it but I'm still afraid and haven't gone into that gym to train on my own yet I just go there 2 mornings a week to do JA fighting fit group.

The group finishes next week so I have to take that next step and go in and train at the gym on my own but the other thing is I am enjoying training at home to and motivating myself so maybe it's time to combine both of them.

I have also recently taken some time to work on me. I am always the go to person if someone has a problem I will always help no matter what is going on for me I can't say no well a couple of weeks ago I decided I have to say no I have to be there for me now it is time for me to help me and it is the best thing.

I am seeing the world as a glass half full now instead of half empty like I have always done. I am looking at the world in a positive way now and it has made a huge difference for me I feel like a new person someone who is worth looking after and someone that is worth the effort and for once I feel like I am worth it.

So sometimes making those little changes and getting out of your comfort zone is the best thing you can and you may even learn to like it :)

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