Monday, October 29, 2012

Noticing changes

This covers so many things not just physical changes but emotional changes too. I have been doing this for a long time up and down, on and off it's been a roller coaster ride for most of my life but I really believe that this time the roller coaster will end and eventually I will get to some smooth rides :)

As I am writing this I am smiling because I am in such a good place right now and even though there is some crap going on around it it for the first time isn't affecting me like in the past it would have destroyed me and sent me spiralling down. So what I take from this is I am a much stronger person.

I am dealing with a teenager and her issues at the moment and I don't know how parents survive the teenage years they are crazy and extremely stressful and normally with these situations I lose the plot and turn to eating and a lot of tears. I have always got involved when MW has been in trouble and yesterday was another one of those times but how I dealt with it was different.

MW stormed into the house yesterday at approx 1.30pm saying she got into a fight at school and she threw the first punch but it was the two girls that came after her and she had enough. It's usually at this point that I get on the phone to the school, and rant and yell and call the cops etc but I made a decision a while ago that I am tired of fighting her battles.

There are always two sides to every story and I only hear one and knowing what I know about my daughter I know she isn't innocent and I'm sorry if thats sounds a bit rough because she is my daughter and I do love her but I also know what she is like.

So when she came home yesterday I made her write the incident down and I rang the Principal and asked him to call, I then sent MW back to the school office with her letter and I rang the office to say she would be back and she sorted it out herself and owned up to her part in it.

When the Principal rang me last night I told him that it was not my battle and I wanted MW to take responsibly for her actions and he said I did the right thing. There are consequences for her actions and she has been internally stood down for the day.

All of this would normally affect me because I am a very emotional person and I get too involved and this time I chose to put myself first and protect myself and I feel good about it.

So today I am sitting here feeling very relaxed and this is all new to me but I like it I like this feeling because it shows me I am stronger and I can pick my battles.

All of the drama aside the Gym is going so well I did upper and lower body yesterday and I am really self motivated at the moment, I am watching my weight slowly go down but that's ok and i'm noticing changes in my shape so I know I am doing the right thing.

I have my eating under control most of the time and using My Fitness Pal is helping me to stay honest.

I am feeling good right now and I hope this feeling never ends but I it's life up and down but I have a feeling I will be able to handle things so much better from here on in :)

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