Saturday, October 6, 2012


That would be one word that a lot of people would use to describe me and they would be right. I had an old trainer DR that used to always say to me when we were having a conversation "how many times have you had this conversation in your head" and I had usually had it about 3 times and it ended differently every time.

I try not to do it as much these days but sometimes it just happens and sometimes I catch myself doing it and can stop it. I tend to do it a lot when it comes to my eating and sometimes end up talking myself out of sticking to an eating program.

Like last night for example I wasn't sure if I could be back on plan today WHY?? it's not that hard you just eat and track simple so why is it in my head that I make such a big deal about it maybe cause I seem to make big deals out of a lot of things a habit of a lifetime I would say.

We I know habits are a good thing but some habits need to be broken and this is one of them. It's time to just do instead of think, think and think some more. Some things don't need that much thinking.

I woke up this morning after having the best sleep I have in over a week so I woke up refreshed and ready and I have planned out todays food and it has been fine so what was I worried about exactly I had nothing to worry about all that time I spent worrying I will never get back.

It's also been 3 days since I exercised and I miss it already so back into it tomorrow I am definitely noticing if I don't do something everyday my mood changes so my plan is to do something 6 days a week and I have to have one rest day cause I don't want to burn out and knowing me as I do that will happen cause I will get obsessed with it and it's about making little changes for good benefits.

It's my last week with JA's Fighting Fit and then I will change my trainings and it works out well cause the kids will be back at school so I can set up a good routine. I will miss the group but it's just the way it has to be right now and I accept that.

So what I am planning and this could change but at this stage what I would like is to do something at home Mon & Fri, Gym Tues & Thurs JA Wed so this is the plan  watch this space :)

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