Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mind Vs Body

This is something I haven't given much thought too until today when I put it into action. Quite often the mind gives up way before the body does and it is something that you have to learn to change and keep pushing through so your body wins out.

Today I had a 30min training session with a Trainer/Friend and he is pretty full on but it was such a great session. I was so tired and at times wanted to give up but he wouldn't let me he kept pushing and pushing until I made it to the end.

My body could handle it but my mind had stopped and given up on me. I kept trying to stop and rest and JT kept pushing and in some cases punishing me for stopping it was hard but at the end of it I felt fantastic tired but so good.

I did try and be a smart ass and tried a sneaky punch to his ribs well to think I would get away with that was insane I got a hard punch to the stomach and I wasn't ready for it so he's good I have to give him credit for that but we had a good laugh about it after.

I have never really been strong in my mind and have always given up way too soon and I really want to work on that and really push through when it comes to my training and get to the failure point where my body is saying enough is enough not just the mind.

I have been on my eating well/ training well kick for about a week and a half now and it has been going great but I have noticed today well more tonight feeling the pressure and that is normally my pattern so I have to change that and again it is all in my mind. It doesn't help when there is a caramel slice sitting on my bench but I haven't touched it I am going to be strong.

I know that my daughter is going to back cause she like baking but I guess I have to decide if it is worth it or is my ultimate goal more important. I have always been quite weak and it I can get through tonight I can do this and be a success.

I have also noticed that I am feeling really tired and I don't think that is helping much so if I pay attention to what my body is saying/doing then I will be able to gage why I eat. I have always been an emotional eater and I can acknowledge that so that is step one.

I have another group session tomorrow which I am looking forward too I do enjoy it and after next week when it finishes I have to decide what is next for me with my training.

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